البروتوكول الخاص بالميثاق الأفريقي لإنشاء المحكمة الأفريقية لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب 1998
تاريخ التنفيذ: 11 يوليو، 2003
تم التوقيع عليها من طرف 50 دولة، تم التصديق عليها من طرف 25 دولة
قائمة التصديقات
إن الدول أعضاء منظمة الوحدة الأفريقية أطراف الميثاق الأفريقي بشأن حقوق الإنسان والشعوب،
إذ تأخذ في الاعتبار أن ميثاق منظمة الوحدة الأفريقية يقر أن الحرية والمساواة والعدل والكرامة هي أهداف أساسية لتحقيق الطموحات المشروعة للشعوب الأفريقية،
وإذ تشير إلى أن الميثاق الأفريقي بشأن الإنسان وحقوق الشعوب يؤكد على الالتزام بمبادئ حقوق الإنسان والشعوب والحريات التي تتضمنها الإعلانات والاتفاقيات والوثائق الأخرى التي تتبناها منظمة الوحدة الأفريقية والمنظمات الدولية الأخرى،
وإذ تقر أن الهدف المزدوج للميثاق الأفريقي بشأن حقوق الإنسان والشعوب هو التأكيد على تشجيع حقوق الإنسان والشعوب والحريات والواجبات من ناحية، وحمايتها من ناحية أخرى،
وإذ تقر كذلك بالمجهودات الإضافية للجنة الأفريقية لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب لحماية وتشجيع حقوق الإنسان والشعوب منذ بدايتها في عام 1987،
وإذ تذكر بالقرار 230 (30) الذي اتخذته الجمعية العمومية لرؤساء الدول والحكومات الذي يطالب الأمين العام أن يعقد للخبراء الحكوميين بالاشتراك مع اللجنة الأفريقية اجتماعاً لدراسة وسائل تحسين فاعلية اللجنة الأفريقية بشأن إنشاء محكمة أفريقية لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب على وجه الخصوص،
واقتناعا بشكل راسخ أن تحقيق أهداف الميثاق الأفريقي بشأن حقوق الإنسان والشعوب يتطلب إنشاء محكمة أفريقية لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب لإتمام وتأكيد مهمة اللجنة الأفريقية لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب،
قد اتفقت على ما يلي:
المادة 1: إنشاء المحكمة
تنشأ محكمة أفريقية لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب (“المحكمة”) يحكم اختصاصها ومهمتها هذا البروتوكول.
المادة 2: العلاقة بين اللجنة والمحكمة
تتم المحكمة التكليف الوقائي للجنة الأفريقية لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب (“اللجنة”) الذي كلفها به الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب (“الميثاق”).
المادة 3: الاختصاص
1- يمتد اختصاص المحكمة إلى كافة القضايا والنزاعات التي تقدم إليها والتي تتعلق بتفسير وتطبيق الميثاق وهذا البروتوكول وأي اتفاقية أفريقية أخرى تتعلق بحقوق الإنسان.
2- في حالة النزاع حيث يكون للمحكمة اختصاص – تسوى المسألة بقرار تصدره المحكمة.
المادة 4: الآراء الاستشارية
1- بناء على طلب أي دولة عضو في منظمة الوحدة الأفريقية، أو أي من هيئاتها، أو منظمة أفريقية تعترف بها منظمة الوحدة الأفريقية – يجوز للمحكمة أن تعطي رأيها بشأن أي مسألة قانونية تتعلق بالميثاق، أو أي وثيقة أفريقية تتعلق بحقوق الإنسان.
2- تبدي المحكمة الأسباب التي تتعلق بآرائها الاستشارية، بشرط أن يكون لكل قاض الحق في تسليم رأي منفصل أو معارض.
المادة 5: إخطار المحكمة
1- يكون من حق من يلي تقديم قضايا إلى المحكمة:
(أ) اللجنة.
(ب) الدولة الطرف التي رفعت شكوى إلى اللجنة.
(ج) الدولة الطرف التي رفعت ضدها شكوى إلى اللجنة.
المادة 6: الاختصاص الاستثنائي
1- بصرف النظر عن أحكام المادة (5) – يجوز للمحكمة – لأسباب استثنائية – أن تسمح للأفراد، والمنظمات غير الحكومية، ومجموعات من الأفراد برفع القضايا أمام المحكمة دون الإجراء الأولي بموجب المادة (55) من الميثاق.
2- تنظر المحكمة مثل هذه القضية – واضعة في الاعتبار أحكام المادة (56) من الميثاق.
3- يجوز للمحكمة أن تنظر القضية أو تحيلها إلى اللجنة.
المادة 7: SOURCES OF LAW
The Court shall apply the provision of the Charter and any other relevant human rights instruments ratified by the States concerned.
The Rules of Procedure of the Court shall lay down the detailed conditions under which the Court shall consider cases brought before it, bearing in mind the complementarity’s between the Commission and the Court.
The Court may try to reach an amicable settlement in a case pending before it in accordance with the provisions of the Charter.
The Court shall conduct its proceedings in public. The Court may, however, conduct proceedings in camera as may be provided for in the Rules of Procedure.
Any party to a case shall be entitled to be represented by a legal representative of the party’s choice. Free legal representation may be provided where the interests of justice so require.
Any person, witness or representative of the parties, who appears before the Court, shall enjoy protection and all facilities, in accordance with international law, necessary for the discharging of their functions, tasks and duties in relation to the Court.
المادة 11: COMPOSITION
The Court shall consist of eleven judges, nationals of Member States of the OAU, elected in an individual capacity from among jurists of high moral character and of recognized practical, judicial or academic competence and experience in the field of human and peoples` rights.
No two judges shall be nationals of the same State.
المادة 12: NOMINATIONS
States Parties to the Protocol may each propose up to three candidates, at least two of whom shall be nationals of that State.
Due consideration shall be given to adequate gender representation in nomination process.
Upon entry into force of this Protocol, the Secretary- general of the OAU shall request each State Party to the Protocol to present, within ninety (90) days of such a request, its nominees for the office of judge of the Court.
The Secretary- General of the OAU shall prepare a list in alphabetical order of the candidates nominated and transmit it to the Member States of the OAU at least thirty days prior to the next session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the OAU hereinafter referred to as “the Assembly”.
المادة 14: ELECTIONS
The judges of the Court shall be elected by secret ballot by the Assembly from the list referred to in Article 13 (2) of the present Protocol.
The Assembly shall ensure that in the Court as a whole there is representation of the main regions of Africa and of their principal legal traditions.
In the election of the judges, the Assembly shall ensure that there is adequate gender representation.
المادة 15: TERM OF OFFICE
The judges of the Court shall be elected for a period of six years and may be re- elected only once. The terms of four judges elected at the first election shall expire at the end of two years, and the terms of four more judges shall expire at the end of four years.
The judges whose terms are to expire at the end of the initial periods of two and four years shall be chosen by lot to be drawn by the Secretary- General of the OAU immediately after the first election has been completed.
A judge elected to replace a judge whose term of office has not expired shall hold office for the remainder of the predecessor’s term.
All judges except the President shall perform their functions on a part- time basis. However, the Assembly may change this arrangement as it deems appropriate.
المادة 16: OATH OF OFFICE
After their election, the judges of the Court shall make a solemn declaration to discharge their duties impartially and faithfully.
The independence of the judges shall be fully ensured in accordance with international law.
No judge may hear any case in which the same judge has previously taken part as agent, counsel or advocate for one of the parties or as a member of a national or international court or a commission of enquiry or in any other capacity. Any doubt on this point shall be settled by decision of the Court.
The judges of the Court shall enjoy, from the moment of their election and throughout their term of office, the immunities extended to diplomatic agents in accordance with international law.
At no time shall the judges of the Court be held liable for any decision or opinion issued in the exercise of their functions.
The position of judge of the court is incompatible with any activity that might interfere with the independence or impartiality of such a judge or the demands of the office as determined in the Rules of Procedure of the Court.
A judge shall not be suspended or removed from office unless, by the unanimous decision of the other judges of the Court, the judge concerned has been found to be no longer fulfilling the required conditions to be a judge of the Court.
Such a decision of the Court shall become final unless it is set aside by the Assembly at its next session.
المادة 20: VACANCIES
In case of death or resignation of a judge of the Court, the President of the Court shall immediately inform the Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity, who shall declare the seat vacant from the date of death or from the date on which the resignation takes effect.
The Assembly shall replace the judge whose office became vacant unless the remaining period of the term is less than one hundred and eighty (180) days.
The same procedure and considerations as set out in Articles 12, 13 and 14 shall be followed for the filling of vacancies.
The Court shall elect its President and one Vice- President for a period of two years. They may be re- elected only once.
The President shall perform judicial functions on a full- time basis and shall reside at the seat of the Court.
The functions of the President and the Vice- President shall be set out in the Rules of Procedure of the Court.
المادة 22: EXCLUSION
If the judge is a national of any State, which is a party to a case, submitted to the Court, that judge shall not hear the case.
المادة 23: QUORUM
The Court shall examine cases brought before it, if it has a quorum of at least seven judges.
The Court shall appoint its own Registrar and other staff of the registry from among nationals of Member States of the OAU according to the Rules of Procedure.
The office and residence of the Registrar shall be at the place where the Court has its seat.
المادة 25: SEAT OF THE COURT
The Court shall have its seat at the place determined by the Assembly from among States parties to this Protocol. However, it may convene in the territory of any Member State of the OAU when the majority of the Court considers it desirable, and with the prior consent of the State concerned.
The seat of the Court may be changed by the Assembly after due consultation with the Court.
المادة 26: EVIDENCE
The Court shall hear submissions by all parties and if deemed necessary, hold an enquiry. The States concerned shall assist by providing relevant facilities for the efficient handling of the case.
The Court may receive written and oral evidence including expert testimony and shall make its decision on the basis of such evidence.
المادة 27: FINDINGS
If the Court finds that there has been violation of a human or peoples’ rights, it shall make appropriate orders to remedy the violation, including the payment of fair compensation or reparation.
In cases of extreme gravity and urgency, and when necessary to avoid irreparable harm to persons, the Court shall adopt such provisional measures as it deems necessary.
المادة 28: JUDGMENT
The Court shall render its judgment within ninety-(90)- days of having completed its deliberations.
The judgment of the Court decided by majority shall be final and not subject to appeal.
Without prejudice to sub- article 2 above, the Court may review its decision in the light of new evidence under conditions to be set out in the Rules of Procedure.
The Court may interpret its own decision.
The judgment of the Court shall be read in open court, due notice having been given to the parties.
Reasons shall be given for the judgment of the Court.
If the judgment of the court does not represent, in whole or in part, the unanimous decision of the judges, any judge shall be entitled to deliver a separate or dissenting opinion.
The parties to the case shall be notified of the judgment of the Court and it shall be transmitted to the Member States of the OAU and the Commission.
The Council of Ministers shall also be notified of the judgment and shall monitor its execution on behalf of the Assembly.
The States Parties to the present Protocol undertake to comply with the judgment in any case to which they are parties within the time stipulated by the Court and to guarantee its execution.
المادة 31: REPORT
The Court shall submit to each regular session of the Assembly, a report on its work during the previous year. The report shall specify, in particular, the cases in which a State has not complied with the Court’s judgment.
المادة 32: BUDGET
Expenses of the Court, emoluments and allowances for judges and the budget of its registry, shall be determined and borne by the OAU, in accordance with criteria laid down by the OAU in consultation with the Court.
The Court shall draw up its Rules and determine its own procedures. The Court shall consult the Commission as appropriate.
This Protocol shall be open for signature and ratification or accession by any State Party to the Charter.
The instrument of ratification or accession to the present Protocol shall be deposited with the Secretary- General of the OAU.
The Protocol shall come into force thirty days after fifteen instruments of ratification or accession have been deposited.
For any State Party ratifying or acceding subsequently, the present Protocol shall come into force in respect of that State on the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession.
The Secretary- General of the OAU shall inform all Member States of the entry into force of the present Protocol.
At the time of the ratification of this Protocol or any time thereafter, the State shall make a declaration accepting the competence of the Court to receive cases under article 5 (3) of this Protocol. The Court shall not receive any petition under article 5 (3) involving a State Party which has not made such a declaration.
Declarations made under sub-article (6) above shall be deposited with the Secretary- General, who shall transmit copies thereof to the State parties.
المادة 35: AMENDMENTS
The present Protocol may be amended if a State Party to the Protocol makes a written request to that effect to the Secretary- General of the OAU. The Assembly may adopt, by simple majority, the draft amendment after all the State Parties to the present Protocol have been duly informed of it and the Court has given its opinion on the amendment.
The Court shall also be entitled to propose such amendments to the present Protocol, as it may deem necessary, through the Secretary- General of the OAU.
The amendment shall come into force for each State Party, which has accepted it thirty days after the Secretary- General of the OAU has received notice of the acceptance.
البروتوكول الخاص بالميثاق الأفريقي لإنشاء المحكمة الأفريقية لحقوق الإنسان و الشعوب